SENT ON BEHALF OF Child Welfare Officer (CWO) Selina Kent
Dear All,
Due to the media coverage of non-recent disclosures within football and the
real possibility of disclosures in our sport, the RFL thought it would be
useful to make contact with myself as the CWO to remind me of the
importance of my role.
As a club and specifically as the CWO we want children, young people and
adults to feel able to speak to me with confidence. This can only be
achieved if you as an individual knows me, knows how to contact me and
feels confident that your concerns would be dealt with appropriately by me
and the club.
At this time we may find that parents now want to check the clubs
safeguarding policy and procedures, whether people have a current DBS
(disclosure and baring service) etc. This is completely acceptable and as a
club we will provide these. However, in the short term you can go to the
website, where our policies are available as are my contact details.
Child Protection RFL
Child Protection Policy
Please note that as club we take a proactive approach to Safer Recruitment.
All volunteers have completed a DBS application, however, this is only one
small part of our safer recruitment, as a DBS can only tell you things that
a person has been convicted of.
We ensure that new volunteers are interviewed, documents checked to confirm
their identity and references are followed up.
More importantly at this time ,these procedure’s alone do not mean that
children are safe and as a committee we will be completing checks on
training sessions/games etc. to ensure that there is no poor practice
taking place.
If you have any concerns or questions, please ring or email me. More
importantly if you see me or any member of the committee in the club house
we are open to have a chat with you at any time.
Thank you for your continued support in safeguarding children in our game.
If you wish to read the RFL statement on recent and non-recent disclosures
please click on the link to :
RFL Statement Safeguarding
Best wishes and have a lovely Christmas
Selina Kent